The Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States (ABEGS) is a regional
organization for education, culture, and science founded in 1975 in
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. This paper examines the goals, objectives, and
accomplishments of ABEGS, its background; its organizational structure;
its major accomplishments; and its future plans in the fields of
education, culture, and science. The ABEGS was established to assist in
the development and innovation of education in the region. Several
factors, including religion, culture, history, demography, language,
ethnic ties, and economic development, were considered in its
establishment. The organization consists of central administration,
specialized departments, and specialized organs. The major
accomplishments, with emphasis on the development of curricula, include
a common educational philosophy, joint educational programs, an
intermediate educational plan, cooperative agreements with Arab and
international organizations, and establishment of the Arabian Gulf
University. Future plans for the region include unification in all
aspects of education and training, and establishment of publishing
houses and a communication network. (DWH)
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